Review of actions from last meeting

  • There were no actions.

Review of the iteration that has ended

Subplot milestone 31 was for this iteration. Due to life and heat waves interfering, we didn’t do anything.

Review of the repositories

We didn’t review the repositories in this meeting.

Goal for this iteration

The goal for this iteration is the same as for the previous iteration: We discussed the goal for this iteration, which is to get a few people actually try Subplot.

Issue review

We didn’t review any issues this time.

Current goal

Our current goal is to get Subplot the software and project into such a shape that we feel confident that we can ask a few people to give it a proper try. This requires for Subplot to have releases that are easy to install, tolerably easy to use, and to have at least some rudimentary documentation aimed at beginners.

Plan for next iteration

We extended Subplot milestone 31 to cover this iteration. It has two issues:

These are carried over from the previous iteration.

Other business

We didn’t discuss anything.


No actions.