Review of actions from last meeting

  • Daniel did set a default template for merge requests

Review of the iteration that has ended

Subplot milestone 33 had the following finished:

  • Subplot issue 206 - CI sometimes fails in a flaky way - seems to be stable now
  • Subplot issue 208 - More automatable releases - We made a release and it seemed like things are okay and the remaining work is’t really automatable.
  • Subplot issue 211 - Document criteria etc.

The following remains incomplete:

We have made reasonable progress, though the main task for this goal is not yet finished, Daniel has made some good progress toward it. One more iteration should see an initial implementation ready for review. You can track it at

We moved the remaining issues, and the new release automation issue to the next milestone (Subplot milestone 34) and then closed off this iteration.

Review of the repositories

There’s one in-progress MR in the subplot repository

This needs review in the new iteration.

No in-progress MRs elsewhere, no spare branches elsewhere. In the subplot repository there is the subplot-rust branch and Daniel’s new multi-lang-docs branch. Otherwise there is the branch for Subplot merge request 201 and main.

Current goal

Subplot provides a set of libraries with identical capabilities in each of the supported languages. Python remains a supported language. Rust is promoted to supported-language status. Subplot will be tested with all supported languages. In addition, any quality of life improvements which can be done shall be done. This goal will be considered complete when a release of Subplot has been made with the unified language handling support complete.

Issue review

Last time we reviewed all issues changed since the previous meeting, so this time we did them all…

We basically skipped all the someday-maybe issues, and we agreed to keep all the goal 3 items as they are.

Plan for next iteration

We opened Subplot milestone 34 to cover this iteration. It has nine issues:

And an extra in case there’s time:

  • Subplot issue 205 – Newer pandoc does not have --filter pandoc-citeproc but rather --citeproc

We have agreed that we want to make a release during this iteration. As such we then created Subplot issue 219 and added it to the iteration.

Other business

  • Re: cargo release Daniel has tried it on enumber which is a single crate and needs to try it on more workspaced crates before we can rely on it for subplot itself.
  • Re: a media repository under the subplot group in Gitlab. Lars is preparing a basic talk about Subplot for the Sequoia-PGP project, so the question is: Do we want to create one now, or possibly later?
    • On further discussion we agreed to defer this until we have logos etc.
  • Re: BBQ - two years ago we did a “fable” test at the BBQ. Do we want to run a questionnaire/tryout on Subplot this year? We decided to have just a more directed conversation about Subplot with Serbitar.
  • Re: Richard Maw - He has made some MRs for us for bash support in Subplot. Do we think we might be able to persuade him to shoulder the support role for the bash template? We don’t want to push him if he’s not actually interested in it, but perhaps we can ask when he’s back after the BBQ.


  • Daniel to talk to Serbitar to arrange Subplot discussion at BBQ